Saturday, May 31, 2008

Senior Sunrise

It seems like yesterday they were babies. Where has the time gone? Last week the Dixie High School graduating class of 2009 spent the night at the Recreation Center. They played games, listened to music, ate yummy food, and just hung out until about an hour before sunrise. They made their way up to the D on the mountain and rejoiced because they are officially seniors! I was at home crying! Keep your babies close because they grow up fast.


Anonymous said...

cute!! just their little ultrasound picture made me get a lumpy throat!! i can't believe "the coochies" are seniors

Robyn said...

Those 2 are so dang cute! I wish i could see them more. They are so busy now! I miss there little baby faces too!

susan bunker said...

april, just prepare yourself. you will be feeling this way for a whole year! when kristen was a senior, my heart would rip every thing we celebrated, because it meant she was leaving my nest. i know it won't be helpful, but even though things change, i believe they just get better. i'm sure you will have to learn for yourself, but if it helps, know i felt the same way too! the worst part was that kristen was celebrating as my heart was breaking. motherhood!

Camie said...

ahhh! April, I cannot believe those 2 kids are that old! It seems like just yesterday they were in Elementary school here in Provo. Wasn't it? They sure are cute!

Jana Pace said...

Hey Girl! Cute blog...& cute OLD kids! I can't believe it! BTW I remember my senior sunrise & it surely wasn't as organized (& I'm sure as LEGAL) as this one-so be glad. BTW I'm doing girl's camp again, wanna come??

Kris said...

WOW! I can't believe you have kids graduating high school! My oldest will be a sophmore next year and that blows my mind. Life goes by so dang fast and it always makes me sad when you see certain milestones go by. Especially with my baby since he is my last. Gotta enjoy the moments!!