Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Andrews Eagle Project

Oh where do I even start! Can I just say I'm glad that it's done. Sadly I have two more boys to do this with. Will I make it through. Growing up with only sisters, this scout stuff has been a real learning experience for me. I am currently Garretts Wolf Den leader so I am learning more every day. Andrews actual project wasn't that bad. It was getting to the point where we could actually do it that was hard. Donations are hard to come by in an economy like this, but we found a few generous hardware stores that were willing to help, and G&G Stewart chipped in some too. {thanks mom and dad}. Getting a busy 17 1/2 yr old to get it done was probably the hardest feat. He made boxes for a homeless shelter that they use to store nonperishables in. They are lacking in storage space so these boxes help them greatly. We had a good turn out and we appreciate the out of towners coming to help. G Stewart, G Grossman, Paul, and Brian. Good Times


susan bunker said...

Hey, why isn't Jeff working? HA! HA! Aahh..scout activities/projects. Keep them coming, the world will be a better place because of you all!

Dalton Family said...

Your kids are great! I heard garrett has his own blog! Trevor just made one and wants his address! I will talk to you soon!

Steph said...

I'm so glad Sarah finally got her act together with her blog 'cause look at all these other blogs I'm finding. Of course, this blog is your typical "April" cute! Good to see whatcha been up to!
P.S. Now that summer is here, I might want back in to the card exchange group. What's your status right now?