Monday, April 6, 2009

I Love General Conference

I love that my whole family is spending four hours in the same room in our house. (this is very rare.)

I love the spirit that fills our whole house.

I love listening and receiving guidance from our church leaders.

I love watching zannie take notes. I know she is doing this for a seminary grade, but I am thankful for teachers who require it.

I love glancing at her when our prophet is speaking and seeing tears in her eyes.

I love the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

I love that Garrett sings very loudly with the choir and knows most of the songs because he has learned them in Primary.

I love it when he leans over to zannie and says, "I love it when these people sing."

I try to love it when my boys are sleeping through it and I'm praying that subconciously they will retain some of the message.

I love my DVR so that I could record President Monsons last message on Pornography and make my boys watch it when they are awake.

I love that our puppy Gunner wandered from family member to family member snoozing in each persons lap.

I love the spring weather on conference weekend.

I love that I am reminded of the many blessings I am grateful for.

I have a tendency to get weighed down by life quite easily. Conference gives me a boost and makes me grateful. I remembered a cross stitch hanging my aunt Michelle had in her laundry room in Wyoming, it said, "if all of our trials were hung on a line, you'd choose yours and I'd choose mine." Heavenly Father does not give us more than we can handle.

I love General Conference!!!


susan bunker said...

i loved your descriptions of the day! i get the same boost, isn't it great. i love you!

candice said...

YAY!! she's back! i guess all we need is to get GC on more than twice a year :) love hearing about you guys!

grgr said...

that was wonderful poo. you are a super good woman. i hope you feel 'light as air' most of the time. love you, mom